
Showing posts from October, 2023

Reality of many worlds in one?

We all, for the most part, occupy the same planet. However, we live in multiple emotional realms within this one. We frequently believe that this is reality, but the reality in which we spend most of our lives is one that we have constructed ourselves. Have you ever had the feeling that something you are experiencing now was something you once experienced? Indeed, that can be a strange sensation to believe that something similar has already occurred when, in fact, it has never happened. Maybe it was just one of those things you've always hoped would happen. The reality of these numerous worlds can be felt more keenly the more individuals you surround yourself with. To experience such intensity, you simply need to be aware of a few factors that centre around the idea that this world is the only one in which one world exists. This reality may have numerous justifications or explanations, but they are limited to what our imaginations can conjure up. We are the imagination of the limit