Connection of the Inner world with the Outer world

 The literal meaning of disconnecting is- cutting off from something. That is actually what I would focus on in this section. Often it is necessary to vibe with your own self and listen to your own voices. There is always something disturbing going on in the outer world. The things are not in order, there are plenty of emails to be answered, you need to pay bills, the monthly report is due next week, vendors are delaying your orders, your supervisor is on leave and you need important papers to be forwarded by him/her, your bills for the project has not been cleared and many more adds on the list, you name it. Tackling them all often becomes overwhelming. Waking up in the morning, go through the morning routine and again get ready for the new battle to face. The same situations seen repetitively become overwhelming and again and again you become tired of these everyday situations. There comes a point where it seems pointless to wake up every day in miserable conditions and face the messier world. The only solution lies in distracting or disconnecting yourself from the world every now and then. This totally reflects upon your performance and work productivity.

So, a question might come if distracting from the world is so necessary, then what could be the actionable steps to do that. There could be many but here I have summarized them in a few steps which can be easier to follow if you are willing to follow them. They are:

Utilize your weekends to spend time with yourself.

b. Spend time with yourself maybe outside in nature & vibe with yourself.

c. Read Books

d. Start practising meditation.

e. Increase your focus on prayers.

f. Have a deep-meaning conversation with your very close ones.

g. Start journaling and writing about how you feel every now and then.

Above mentioned steps could be an actionable guide to distract yourself from the world for a while. Disconnecting yourself from the outer world does not mean you disconnect yourself fully and just be on your own fully. It means to disconnect yourself from the outer world chaos and connect with the inner world where you perhaps live all the time.

The above-mentioned steps have their own benefits which are explained below:

a. Utilize your weekends: When the schedule is automatically updated with hectic work from Monday to Friday, your mind starts craving for Saturdays. There can be a reason you may plan for parties, obviously, social gatherings are important but what if you plan to reconnect with yourself and spend time with your own self, there can be no other better way to do that. It’s a better way to unwind our thoughts and get connected with our potential. In other words, you can rejuvenate yourself by spending the day with your own self.

b. Spend time with yourself: Now, there can be a void if you decide to utilize the weekend to disconnect from the world to what to do with that day/ hour. To fill that void a better way could go out for a walk in nature, read your favourite genre book, have a brief overview of the week and track where you spent most of the hour, ask yourself can those hours be optimised to get the most productive work in lesser time, write journals address how you felt for that weekend, put your mobile phone or all the other digital devices aside, which might disturb you, go out and spent time with your friend and have some deep conversations. Sometimes, it so happens that your close friend can make those points clearer about yourself, which might not be as clear to you as before.

c. Focus on Meditation: If you are a spiritual person, you can also go for practising regular meditation. Meditation can help you reconnect with your body and get outside of your head. Many times it so happens our fears, weaknesses, shortcomings and insecurities are left unaddressed for the long term they start turning into anxiety, depression, undecidedness, and many other negativities, which perhaps harm our mental health and affect our productivity. We all are human beings and we all have some strengths and weaknesses. If we keep on relying on our strengths to bring the desired outcomes, unintentionally we start ignoring the weaknesses, which also need to be addressed at regular intervals and with the troubleshooting. Meditations often help us to focus on our body and regain the lost mental positive energy which we require to go along with the strengths we have.

There can be many other ways that you can utilize to disconnect yourself from the outer chaotic world and reconnect yourself with the inner peaceful world. Based upon the above-mentioned steps you can also form your own ways to disconnect, but make sure whatever links you with the external world you put aside just for a while and then see the magic of your inner self that would bring peace to you.


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