
Showing posts from January, 2024

Connection of the Inner world with the Outer world

 The literal meaning of disconnecting is- cutting off from something. That is actually what I would focus on in this section. Often it is necessary to vibe with your own self and listen to your own voices. There is always something disturbing going on in the outer world. The things are not in order, there are plenty of emails to be answered, you need to pay bills, the monthly report is due next week, vendors are delaying your orders, your supervisor is on leave and you need important papers to be forwarded by him/her, your bills for the project has not been cleared and many more adds on the list, you name it. Tackling them all often becomes overwhelming. Waking up in the morning, go through the morning routine and again get ready for the new battle to face. The same situations seen repetitively become overwhelming and again and again you become tired of these everyday situations. There comes a point where it seems pointless to wake up every day in miserable conditions and face the mess