
Showing posts from 2023

Reality of many worlds in one?

We all, for the most part, occupy the same planet. However, we live in multiple emotional realms within this one. We frequently believe that this is reality, but the reality in which we spend most of our lives is one that we have constructed ourselves. Have you ever had the feeling that something you are experiencing now was something you once experienced? Indeed, that can be a strange sensation to believe that something similar has already occurred when, in fact, it has never happened. Maybe it was just one of those things you've always hoped would happen. The reality of these numerous worlds can be felt more keenly the more individuals you surround yourself with. To experience such intensity, you simply need to be aware of a few factors that centre around the idea that this world is the only one in which one world exists. This reality may have numerous justifications or explanations, but they are limited to what our imaginations can conjure up. We are the imagination of the limit

Balance of Life: Managing time effectively

 Balance in life is necessary for all of us to lead a healthy lifestyle. There are days when we struggle to get out of bed. After all, we feel like we have nothing to do, and on other days when we cannot go to bed early because we have too much to do. Failing to balance our days can lead to chaos in our lives. It can be difficult to decide how much time we should allocate to work, how much time we need to spend on each task, and how much time we need to sleep to keep ourselves active throughout the day. Sometimes, we feel mentally exhausted even though we're physically relaxed, simply because we've used up our mental energy trying to decide what we need to do with our day. At the end of the day, we may feel like we've accomplished nothing due to our multitasking habits, which can cause us to never truly stop working and remind ourselves that we have other tasks to do. The solution is to decide when to stop working for the day. By distributing our tasks evenly throughout the

Path towards improvement.

Each day, we are presented with many choices, whether it's a call from a friend, a dinner invitation from a relative, or a new opportunity to expand our business. There can be countless good options. Conversely, negative situations may also occur, such as a call from a friend whose father has just suffered a heart attack, or a relative who has just had an accident, among other things. We are all presented with many choices, situations, and opportunities every day. Not every day is the same for all of us. The question then arises: what should we focus on and what should we not?  Places change, circumstances change, the environment changes, people change, and sometimes, everything changes. Above all, change has always been the law of nature. Many things change altogether, but what remains is our desire to accomplish something. No matter where you stand in your life, whatever your conditions may be, take them in stride and keep moving forward by following the path of improvement. Do n

Decisions that bring you peace.

 Every decision in life comes with its own package of sorrows and happiness. Initially, you put in much mental energy to solve a problem and find a better solution than your current situation. You work today and tomorrow to ensure that any decision you make brings you a better tomorrow, but you usually can't hope for what comes after that. One decision leads to another, and that leads to a range of other things. Once you are into the consequences of the decision you made, you start transforming into the person of the decision you made. You may hope for better outcomes, but every step starts to seem harder than the last one. As they say, everything makes sense after some time; you just have to give time to heal itself. But in reality, it's not the situations that improve, but we become better at handling them. And that's what we call part of growth. Growth does not take place overnight; it takes time and constant effort with the hope of positive outcomes. If one of the thing

Your Journey towards your goals-Fulfilling your Dreams !!!

  Pursuing your dreams is a challenging yet fulfilling task that requires dedication and perseverance. It is true that no one ever promised that achieving your dreams would be easy. Dreams come with their own set of challenges and obstacles that one must overcome. However, the pursuit of one's dreams is the ultimate reward. When you first set out on your journey towards your dreams, the initial steps can seem beautiful and smooth, but as time passes, you may find that the path becomes more complex and difficult than you initially anticipated. Nonetheless, it is important to remember that dreams are not just a fleeting desire but a passion that gives one a reason to strive for greatness.  Dreams are what give life meaning. The bigger your dreams, the more challenging your journey becomes. It is like walking on an empty road where you eventually meet people who may not share your vision. However, this is something that is beyond your control. Pursuing your dreams requires you to carr

“Start it anyway”: the only motivation we need for first step towards our goal.

   Imposter syndrome is a common experience that many of us go through at different points in our lives. It is especially prevalent if we consider ourselves to be ambiverts leaning towards introversion. Often, the quietest person in the room has some of the most interesting ideas to share, yet they hold themselves back due to the fear of being judged by others. Many factors contribute to this mindset, but one of the most important is our environment. Some people get the opportunity to showcase their talents, while others do not. Perhaps we are good at something or enjoy doing something, but we never try to accomplish it because we're waiting for the perfect moment that may never come. The truth is, there is no perfect moment. We need to start anyway and keep practising until we become the best version of ourselves.  It's essential to remember that "now" is the best moment to start with whatever talent you possess. Nobody starts perfectly, but with practice and hard wo

Gap year- a necessity or a waste of time? Your decision

  Standing on the edge of the corner, deciding which career to opt for, meeting with many people, and having their advice, listening to their experiences, the student starts to settle on an appropriate decision about their career. Having a mentor is very helpful many times, but there is so much that lies hidden in our own journey. When a person actually graduates, the real world comes into the picture, where our expectations sometimes start to turn way around, and the fact that all we achieve by mere luck or hard work somehow starts to diminish. The fact, of course, is not true that hard work or dedication does not pay off. But in the real world, there are many times when things take longer than we actually anticipate. All these starts to affect mental health, make the person negative about certain aspects of life, and many times a person starts to have a pessimistic mindset towards life. The sole reason is the fact, " That now we are on our own ". Indeed, doing tons of mista