Decisions that bring you peace.

 Every decision in life comes with its own package of sorrows and happiness. Initially, you put in much mental energy to solve a problem and find a better solution than your current situation. You work today and tomorrow to ensure that any decision you make brings you a better tomorrow, but you usually can't hope for what comes after that. One decision leads to another, and that leads to a range of other things. Once you are into the consequences of the decision you made, you start transforming into the person of the decision you made. You may hope for better outcomes, but every step starts to seem harder than the last one. As they say, everything makes sense after some time; you just have to give time to heal itself. But in reality, it's not the situations that improve, but we become better at handling them. And that's what we call part of growth. Growth does not take place overnight; it takes time and constant effort with the hope of positive outcomes. If one of the things is missing, the whole process goes in vain. 

What comes next is our attitude towards the decisions we make in our lives. Sometimes, they overwhelm us, and sometimes they underwhelm us. And that's part of the journey. To enjoy the full ride, you have to keep yourself open to the new challenges of life. You need to be open to new ventures in life that are solely designed for you. 

Sometimes, we link our decisions as part of our personality and say that it always happens to us because of the quality of the decisions we make. But, in reality, it's not us speaking to ourselves; it's just the tired soul speaking to us to get some rest. As sleep provides physical rest, so does peace to the weary soul. And when you find yourself surrounded by that voice alone, remind yourself that it's not reality but a request from your soul to rest. The rest of the soul comes in the form of reconnecting your soul with your body. In the chaos of life, we often forget what brings us peace. And at the end of the day, if anything, be it any achievement, does not bring peace to you, it becomes just an achievement that adds nothing to you. Peace is what we crave. As the universe favours the concept of stability, so does our relationship with peace. Living with peace often stabilizes our life in the way we desire. So, coming back to the question of making the right decision. 

No decision is wrong or right initially because its outcomes lie in the future. But what can bring us closer to making a satisfying decision is the choice of making a decision that brings us peace. Later, the decision once made demands more sub-decisions to be made. But by the time that comes, you have already familiarized yourself with the pattern of making peaceful decisions, and eventually, it becomes a part of your habits. And the fear of uncertainty decreases as you make excellent and satisfying decisions in life. 

However, making peaceful decisions does not mean avoiding difficult decisions. It means making decisions that align with our values and allow us to live a life that brings us fulfilment. It means not settling for less, but also not striving for more than what we need. It means finding a balance between our ambitions and inner peace. 

One of the keys to making peaceful decisions is self-awareness. Knowing ourselves, our values, and our priorities allows us to make choices that are in line with our true selves. It allows us to recognize our biases and prejudices and make decisions that are not based on them. It allows us to listen to our intuition and inner voice and make decisions that feel right. 

Another key is acceptance. Accepting that there is no perfect decision and that every decision will have its consequences allows us to make decisions without the fear of failure or regret. It allows us to learn from the outcomes of our decisions and move forward with greater wisdom and understanding. Ultimately, making peaceful decisions is a process that requires patience, practice, and trust. It requires us to be present at the moment and not get lost in the worries of the future or regrets of the past. It requires us to embrace uncertainty and have faith that everything will work out in its own way and time. 

In conclusion, decisions in life are not easy, and the outcomes are not always predictable. But by making peaceful decisions, we can live a life that is aligned with our values and brings us fulfilment. Making peaceful decisions requires self-awareness, acceptance, and trust. It is a process that takes patience, practice, and a willingness to embrace uncertainty. So, the next time you face a difficult decision, listen to your inner voice, be true to yourself, and make a choice that brings you peace.


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